This student club's purpose is to educate, build community, and bring mental health awareness to anyone and everyone who needs it. Most importantly, we are working to create a world without suicide. We want to empower students and others to have the tools and knowledge to be mental health advocates and make a real difference in our world.
The BHC Chapter is part of The Gray Matters Collective.
All enrolled BHC students are welcome to be a part of the club!
View the Counseling Events list for dates and locations.
They seek to raise awareness, provide education and serve as a resource to fellow BHC students on a wide variety of mental health issues.
They will provide support, challenge you, commiserate with you, and be your cheerleader. Most importantly, they will listen!
ASK!! Are you or is anyone you care about suicidal? Here are some links that may help. As always, you are more than welcome to talk to a BHC counselor about how to start the conversation, how to help someone you think might be hurting, or how to help yourself!
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-TALK. Or call or text 988 or chat
According to Hunger on Campus, 50 percent of community college students and 47 percent of four-year college students reported food insecurity. Twenty-five percent and 20 percent (respectively) had very low food security.
We have partnered with River Bend Food Bank to provide perishable and non-perishable food to any BHC student.
Even if you feel you have enough to eat, sometimes redistributing financial resources can help. Feel free to visit either BHC food pantry and use the money you had reserved for food for a different need.
***NEW LOCATION: With the Building 3 remodel, the Hawk's Cupboard has moved to a temporary location.***
Building 4, Restaurant (2nd floor, next to the Hawk's Nest) when there is a student worker present
Available the first and third Wednesdays of the month during the fall and spring semesters. Please pre-register so we know how many bags to pack. Pull up outside Building 4 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and we’ll put bags of food in your trunk or back seat. Reminders with dates and a map will be emailed to every student before every drive-up event.
Sign up for a Hawk's Cupboard drive-up date »
*Registration is available a week before each date until noon the Tuesday before.
Building 1 (next to BHC’s EC Police Department)
Available the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month during the fall and spring semesters. Please pre-register so we know how many bags to pack. Pull up outside Building 1 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and we’ll put bags of food in your trunk or back seat.
Sign up for a The Kitchen drive-up date »
*Registration is available a week before each date until noon the Tuesday before.
Sign up for the CEC Food Pantry »
Food and hygiene items can be dropped off at either campus' pantry at any time. You can also make a cash donation online.
All of our counselors have master’s degrees and extensive coursework of additional post-graduate study.
A counselor is a faculty member as well as a master’s degree-level professional trained in counseling. Counselors also work with faculty and staff as consultants and trainers.
An academic advisor is a professional staff or faculty member trained to assist students with academic planning. Advisors make referrals for various student concerns to counselors or other campus services.
Due to a high demand for services, and to ensure that the greatest number of students can receive services, the college sets a limit on the total number of individual counseling appointments students may receive. Please discuss the specifics of this policy with your counselor.
No, counseling can also assist with the following:
It’s nice to know you’re not alone. These are some of students’ most common concerns that we can help with.
Your counseling information is confidential. No information about who is receiving counseling or the nature of their visits is released without the written permission of the person. Exceptions to this include subpoena, in cases of current child abuse, or if there is an expressed intent to harm one’s self or another. Black Hawk College counselors adhere to the ethical standards and practices of the American Counseling Association, Alexandria, VA.
In accordance with the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (IGP 59.1), Black Hawk College is providing students the opportunity to authorize, in writing, the disclosure of certain private mental health information to a designated person of their choosing.
The Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Act in the state of Illinois provides you with the opportunity to designate an adult whom you would like us to contact in the event that you experience a mental health emergency that puts you or others at risk for serious injury or death. You are not required to designate a contact. If you would like to designate an Emergency Mental Health Contact, please fill out the online form.
Student Mental Health Emergency Contact Release Form »
This Act states that an institution of higher learning may disclose mental health information if a qualified examiner makes a determination that the student poses a clear danger to himself, herself or others to protect the student or other person against a clear, imminent risk of serious physical or mental injury or disease or death being inflicted upon the person or by the student on himself, herself or another. The qualified examiner shall, as soon as practicable, but in no more than 24 hours after making the determination under this section, attempt to contact the designated person and notify the designated person that the qualified examiner has made a determination that the student poses a clear, imminent danger to himself, herself or others.
If you desire to designate a person who would receive certain private mental health information in such a situation, complete the form and indicate if you authorize, or decline to authorize, the disclosure of the information.
Building 1, Room 377 (above the Advising Center)
Building A, Advising Center
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act